Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Our Changing Facebook

Facebook has decided to rearrange the home page, and I'm seeing a lot of complaints. Some are funny, some are whiny. My favorite is "Let's tell yo-mamma jokes about the new Facebook layout."

Myself, I don't have a problem with it. I like having a logout button rather than going to a menu, but other than that, it's ok. What is more interesting to me are the requirements Facebook is enforcing on third party advertisers. The policies have been in place for months, but Facebook recently spelled them out again, and is now requiring advertisers to agree to them. In his February 3rd Inside Facebook column, Eric Eldon gives a synopsis of the new requirements. But put simply, the reuirements boil down to, the ad providers will strictly adhere to Facebook guidelines regarding gathering, holding, and disseminating Facebook user information. They will also provide information to Facebook on their employees and just about any other information Facebook asks for. There are several other requirements that show Facebook is making a serious effort to protect users data.

Now if they would just give us more ability to protect it ourselves.


  1. I wouldn't mind it so much if it were a bit more stable. I can't tell, yet, if this is a finished version after they hired a guy to rewrite PHP for Facebook.
    You got a logout button. I went from having a logout button to a menu.

  2. I should have said, "I prefer a logout button rather than going to a menu." I have the menu, too. I don't know much about the how often the user interface changes are made on Facebook. I've had an account for over a year, but until a couple of months ago I never used it, and even now I only get on once every couple of weeks. If it changes as often as some are making it sound like, they definitely need to pick an interface and use it a while.

  3. The layout doesn't bother me. I'll eventually get used to it. I just wish the thing would work. That's all.
    BTW, Bert, I got to thinking about some of your earlier blog posts and I removed my birthday from my FB page and made my profile even more private. I never thought about the fact that identity thieves would use your FB profile information to steal your identity...probably because I'm not an identity thief!

  4. Facebook is becoming a real resource for ID thieves. And Facebook really doesn't do anything to warn you about the risks of putting too much information out there. After all, the more info you put on the site, the more data points for them to sell.
